dear diary: The Musuem of I <3 Nostalgia

'dear diary' focuses on the privacy outlook of personal journals. the notion that you write something down in the midst of emotional turmoil, a moment of happiness or even just a to do list, looking back retrospectively can often feel uncomfortable and bring back memories hidden deeply into the sub conscious. saying that, equally looking back can feel liberating and freeing, in moments you are struggling to see past the now. focusing on the future is a motivation for a lot of people, especially during Covid, so being reminded that you made it through hard times once before, enables you to recognise, you are strong enough to do it again. diaries are a moment frozen in time and can share a lot of outlook on life.
Within this collection, artists have shared their journals publicly, as well as sentimental items, art projects and quotes to keep them going.

'england's world cup team 2010'
kady garrett, 2021
fine art student

'went to school and found out charlotte's rabbit died'
kady garrett, 2021
fine art student

'11 hours and 49mins'
kady garrett, 2021
fine art student

'can I go the shop'
kady garrett, 2021
fine art student

'can I have your autograph?'
kady garrett, 2021
fine art student
'my "step-in" teacher'
kady garrett, 2021
fine art student

'but to me it looks like a glass of water on a shelf'
tony garrett, 2021

'vacant mind, busy brain'
tony garrett, 2021

tony garrett, 2021

'try outs'
tony garrett, 2021

'albums to look out for'
tony garrett, 2021

'self titled'
tony garrett, 2021
'time and tide wait for no man'
tony garrett, 2021
'higher education application'
tony garrett, 2021

Carry A Bag Man, 2020
Aaron Thompson


Robyn Nichol, 2019


The Diary of Frida Kahlo, 1944-54

Excerpt from Frida Kahlo’s Diary
From The Diary of Frida Kahlo

Excerpt from Leonardo da Vinci’s Codex Arundel

Excerpt from Janice Lowry’s diary
Courtesy Smithsonian Institution’s Archives of American Art

Excerpt from Keith Haring’s Journal, 1987
Courtesy Keith Haring Foundation

Excerpt from Jack Whitten’s Studio Notes, 1992. Courtesy Hauser & Wirth

collin the caterpillar
fine art student

Ella Matthews
worm on a string rug
fine art student

'my nostalgia is romanticised'
Kady Garrett, 2021
fine art student